Prof. Dr. Alexander Burka

Political and Cultural Scientist
CIVIC GmbH –Institute for International Education
Location: Vienna
- PhD in Political Science, Otto-Suhr-Institute, Free University of Berlin „Austrian Foreign Cultural Policy in Poland and Czechoslovakia since 1945“
- Eastern European Studies - Sociology and Culture of Eastern Europe, Political Science, Russian, French and Czech languages at the Free University of Berlin, Humboldt University of Berlin, Aleksanterii Instituti Helsinki in Finland and Université Charles de Gaulle III Lille in France
- Political Science, Modern History and Russian Philology at the University of Vienna and University of Economics Vienna - History of Society, Eastern Europe, Gender and Theory of Colonialism
As a lecturer, he gave numerous lectures at the Faculty of Philosophy and the Faculty for Foreign Languages at the Latvian University in Riga (1999-2000), Otto-Suhr-Institute, Free University of Berlin (2000-2001), Eastern European Institute, Free University of Berlin (2001-2003), Friedrich-Wilhelm-University Bonn (2010) and Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute in Ukraine (2009-2013).
Since 2014, he gives lectures on "Intercultural Management" at the University of Applied Science Wiener Neustadt in Austria as well as at the Karl-Franzens-University Graz in Austria since 2019 and at the Russian Plekhanov University Moscow from 2020 until 2022. Since 2015 senior lecturer, 2021 appointed as Professor for International and CEE Business Communication at the University of Applied Science Burgenland in Austria.
Alexander Burka was a Director of the German-Latvian Social Science Center (DeLaSSC) at the University of Latvia in Riga (1999-2000) and a Director of the Austrian Institute in Cracow in Poland (2005-2008).
Since 2001, he has conceived, conducted and organized various seminars on behalf of the Austrian Federal Ministry of Education Culture, Arts and Culture and the Austrian Ministry of European and International Affairs in numerous countries across the world: Algeria, Armenia, Austria, Belarus, Brazil, Canada, Cyprus, Egypt, Estonia, Georgia, China, India, Iran, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Mexico, Mongolia, Morocco, Poland, Russia, Spain, Tajikistan, Turkey and USA.
Alexander Burka also organized and conducted seminars and lectures for the Goethe-Institutes in Belarus, Belgium, Cyprus, Egypt, Germany, Italy, Latvia, Moldova, Poland, Romania, Slovakia and Switzerland and trainings for international foreign languages teachers.
He provides trainings to the members of the European public administration at the Academy for Public Administration in the Austrian Federal Chancellery in Vienna, the Federal Academy for Public Administration Brühl/Berlin, Saarland and Hessian Ministry of the Interior and the Goethe-Institutes.
Alexander Burka gives lectures on “Intercultural competencies” for the Academy of Public Administration in the Austrian Federal Chancellery in Vienna, German Juridical Academy in Trier, Bavarian State Ministry for Justice in Munich and Hessian Police Academy.
He is a Managing Director of the Civic-Institute for international Education in Düsseldorf and a director of the Vienna office.
Working Languages: German, English, Russian, Polish, and French
Areas of expertise
- intercultural communication in the area of Slavic, Baltic and Balkan countries, Russia, Austria and Germany
- transnational cooperation in administration: Germany - Austria - Poland
- European integration and European Union
- training of international public administration officers
- methodic and didactics of knowledge and learning
- conception of simulation games
- new media, online teaching and foreign languages courses
- methodology and didactics of language skills in foreign language teaching
- foreign cultural politics and cultural transfer between East-West / West-East
- language courses: German - Russian - Polish