European asylum and refugee policy at the European University Viadrina on 10 January 2015

On 10 January 2015, 24 students were engaged in the topic of the European asylum and refugee policy at the seminar “The Politics of Refugee Protection in Europe- Past, Present and Future Prospects”, conducted by the European University Viadrina Frankfurt/Oder. The new scenario game “SimEUPolAsyl” by the CIVIC-Institute for international education was used for this occasion, in which the participants, having the roles as Ministers in the Council, Members of the European Parliament and the European Commission, were engaged with a proposal for a common asylum and refugee policy in the EU.

The participants were arguing extensively with a high level of impetus about criteria for granting asylum and a fair dispersal of the asylum-seekers between the member states. While doing so, they were discussing a highly topical and explosive theme of European policy.

The event took place in English language in cooperation with the Friedrich Ebert Foundation Brandenburg and the European University Viadrina.